Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The False Image of Grey

From the day that a boy starts school at Grey he is told constantly that Grey is the best school in South Africa. This is nothing other than brainwashing because it isn't true and the academic evidence proves otherwise. It shouldn't be necessary to say anything; the results should speak for themselves.

Grey personnel projects an image of being the best school in South Africa, but Grey boys take up to 7 years after matric to get rid of the Grey mentality and ego to start focusing on their careers. Some boys never get rid of it. While still in the Grey mentality and ego mode, they keep on partying and behaving in a manner that displays being above other people, which they truly are not.

At the time boys are being brainwashed about Grey, the personnel at Grey treat others very badly. So many good-doers and even parents with the best of intentions who brought fantastic initiatives to Grey for the benefit of our Grey-boys, have left for having been treated bad, getting the resistance of a lifetime or were worked out. What an insult, but moreover, this just adds to people disliking Grey more and more resulting in a bigger bad image of Grey and negative feelings toward Grey. So much for having a person at the top with a business degree. What does that help if there is no business sense? Luckily these initiatives are welcomed at other schools.

In business it is said that if you make one enemy or lose one customer, then that person influences 75 other people negatively. Nobody can afford to treat good doers badly anymore, neither in South Africa nor the rest of the world. Money is just too tight everywhere. Oh, but don't forget, Grey has too much money, so it doesn't matter. If R2m of Grey's money can be spent on lawsuits because the headmaster doesn't do his job and we all know this is in actual fact the truth, then making enemies or chasing away those that are trying to benefit our school can be lost without regret or conscience.

The Afrikaans boys at Grey look down upon the English boys, especially because the English boys are mostly black. The Afrikaans boys, however, have a ball at Grey. They seem to be OK while the English boys, not necessarily the black boys, have a hard time.

Just the way our country is running on the previous party's governance and momentum, Grey is running on previous headmaster's successful administration. The so-called "hand picked" headmaster can't deliver, which means that the people, all a product of Grey for being Old Greys, responsible for doing the picking, clearly cannot make good choices. This could be as a result of the poor education obtained at Grey. Who in their right mind would choose an unpresentable person to represent Grey as headmaster? Just more proof that Grey doesn't educate well.

All this said, the only way to get rid of bad personnel is to send complaint after complaint to the Department of Education or a petition so that they can do the firing. Controlling bodies at schools can't get rid of school personnel appointed by the Dept of Edu. So get your butt in gear and start the process because it is of no use to put up all kinds of fancy gates that boasts with the exterior, yet the rest is one huge mess. First fix the personnel, then build all the ego-based stuff that really has no value. A proper education is the only thing that really matters and this is where Grey falls short because Grey cannot deliver. Extra mural educators, NOT TEACHING AT Grey, cause the boys to pass and have good marks, NOT Grey's teachers.

If you want to put your son in a sport or rugby school, Paarl Boys, Paul Roos and Affies are much better options than Grey. They at least provide all round development that is balanced, not just sport development. Any other primary school in Bloemfontein is better than Grey, At least they lay a proper educational foundation that can be built on in especially subjects that matter such as maths and science. Grey is not the same as in the past. The name doesn't cut it anymore.