Saturday, May 25, 2019

Recall A President - Recall A Headmaster

If the Department of Education is worth anything, it will recall bad, useless and unapproachable headmasters as was done to President Mbeki in the past by the government.

Hoekom moet 'n skoolhoof sy pos behou net omdat hy daarin aangestel is en dit die gebruik was vir dekades dat dit so werk? Mens moet 'n skoolhoof uit sy pos kan wegkry as hy nie aan standaarde voldoen, sy werk nie behoorlik doen nie, nie toegangklik is nie en bo gemiddelde resultate kan lewer nie.

The irony is that Scheepers had a complaint program at school a few years back where parents had to collect complaints and submit them to him not realizing he is the biggest problem. Who would say that straight to his face?

Stuur alle klagtes aan die Departement van Onderwys, dan kyk ons of hulle iets werd is.