Friday, January 18, 2019

New High School Choir Time Sucks

It's probably the useless head-master, Scheepers, who came up with the brilliant non-practical 2019 choir times or gave permission for it. It clashes with so many things. When is chicken-head going to get it in his head that all extra murals should end 5 or 6 o'clock in the evening and not 8 or 9 o'clock!

It should be a matter of, you can either play rugby (do sport) or you can sing in the choir, but you can't do both because they are at the same time in the afternoon. Grey is big enough for that.

All extra mural classes should take place during the afternoons. It's understandable if an extra math or science class is presented in the evening, but these should all take place only on one evening, although the quality of schooling should be so high that no extra classes are needed. Parents and boys are so busy with school-related activities, they can't ever watch TV, change their mind, have a family meal together or dream a little during school terms.

Things are not much better at the primary school. Parents talk about the fact that they thought Jurie Geldenhuys was going to be a better headmaster at the primary school by seeing to it that academics come first (the ultimate reason a boy is at school), but instead, he is worse: everything is sport, sport, sport and the whites are boosted all the time like in the high school. A primary school child shouldn't be at school after 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

When is school at Grey going to be school again?

1 comment:

  1. 7 uur tot 9 uur soos in die verlede was eintlik die beste of 2 uur tot 4 uur in die middae kan ook goed werk.
