Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Mr Scheepers' Contradictory Actions Formally Debated at Eunice

According to our sources, Eunice doesn't like Mr Scheepers.

He claims he is going to change Grey into an academic school, but his actions prove the opposite.

A few months ago, if there was a sport match or game on, on a Friday, the boys did absolutely nothing academically at school for 2 whole days until it was the sport event, on which of course they also did nothing. The Eunice girls had a formal debate about this in the classes (good topic though) and came to the conclusion that sport is number one at Grey. Academics will always be last and Mr Scheepers proves to act opposite to what he says, so he isn't to be trusted at all, he is too useless!

1 comment:

  1. You seem to know a lot about what goes on at Eunice...maybe you should worry about your matric final exam marks more than what is going on at Eunice. Mr Scheepers tries to focus more on academics but it seems you boys only want to focus on the girls next door...no wonder your marks are so up to shit en niemand kan ieta met julle uitgerig kry nie...die hormone kan mos nie bedaar nie...
