Saturday, December 30, 2017

It's Generally Known That Grey's Academics Are Bad But The Sport Acceptable

Grey College is supposedly regarded as one of the best schools if not the best in South Africa, but everyone knows that Grey is bad at academics. So the boys come from all over South Africa to come and take part in sport and not to excel academically, because academics are not a priority. If it was, much less time would have been spent on sport.

The only real reason white boys still come from all over the country to Grey is due to not wanting to be in black schools for the black schools' standard has dropped so severely, it's not worth going to school there anymore. Grey still has majority white Afrikaner boys, up-keeping some form of standard.

Uncountable money is sponsored and spent on international rugby tours, but the boys who do exceptionally well at academics have to pay for themselves out of their own pocket, if they want to take part in mathematic Olympiads overseas. Not even 1 cent is spent on them or sponsored for them to take part and to represent our school. Academics is what a boy needs to provide for his family in future, but games, NB. note, games, which sport forms a part of, is focused on. Less than 3% make it big in sport and become professional sport stars these days, so it doesn't make sense why Grey keeps focusing on sport. Maybe it's due to bad managerial staff or a bad governing body.

Boys, who excel at rugby, are merely put through without the academic backup and there is a huge fuss made of them on stage when they need to get some kind of rugby-award. This is never done with any of the other sports or academic achievements. The fact is, a rugby-player can do badly at academics and will get congratulated for playing a specific position in an important rugby-game on his academic report-card.

Ha, ha, ha, that's Grey for you.

The shock is that Grey hasn't delivered as many Springbok-players as they would like us to believe. Do the research; it's really much less than the other boys schools in South Africa. 

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