Thursday, February 12, 2015

Mahabir is Still a Bad Teacher

Mahabir hasn't changed his teaching strategies whatsoever. He still reads from a book, explains nothing and asks the boys in class for words he cannot come up with. How can a person allow a person who's mother tongue isn't English to present classes at such an "elite" institution?

A teacher isn't suppose to ask for words; a school teacher is supposed to provide words. Mahabir cannot present a class without constantly asking the boys for English words. Why was he appointed at Grey? Maybe he was appointed for affirmative action, because he appears to be spare-wheel.

Mr Scheepers is also not worth much if he doesn't even know what is going on in the classes. There supposedly are cameras, yet none of them probably work.


  1. Oh, yes, my boys both complain about Mr Mahabir. Everything you say is the truth. I'm very glad someone is saying something at least.

  2. My son says the complete opposite...I wonder whether your boys attend class if they can't even spell his surname correctly... MAHABEER...just saying
